A Fairytale Moodboard (A Fairytale Summer Event)

Greetings, dear travelers!

Today I’m excited to share with you my post for the A Fairytale Summer blog event! I found out about this event back in May, and I was so excited to take part! I’ve long loved fairy tales, and the timing of this event is especially fun because I’m currently writing a fairy tale retelling!

For my post today, I’ll be sharing with you a moodboard for one of my favorite fairy tales, and it happens to be the one I’m writing a retelling for! I first found out about this fairy tale when my mom surprised me with a retelling of it when I was in middle school. That retelling was The Shadow of the Bear by Regina Doman. I fell in love with the story and set out to find the original fairy tale, and from there it’s become a dear favorite! I’m sure you’re wondering what fairy tale it is, so without further ado, the moodboard!

Since I was making a moodboard for Snow White and Rose Red, I couldn’t help myself and had to make one for my retelling of it too! My novella, A Noble Life, is part of the Cornerstone series I’ve been posting about with cover reveals. The cover will be posted on Monday so keep your eyes out for that!

Here’s the moodboard!

Thank you so much for reading! Have you read Snow White and Rose Red? If so, what do you think of it? I’ve always thought the woodland cottage of the sisters and their mother sounds so wonderfully cozy!

If you want to see more fun fairy tale posts, be sure to check out the posts from the other bloggers taking part too!

A Fairytale Summer Schedule:

God bless!

C. K. Heartwing

Published by ckheartwing

A child of the mountains, C. K. Heartwing feels most at home in the forests of Appalachia. She’s a born again Christian with a love for God’s creation that has been nurtured by her years spent caring for animals and roaming her family’s woods. As a homeschool graduate, she loves to learn, and she is now a veterinary student. Aside from veterinary medicine, writing has been her greatest passion, and when not studying, she mostly writes fantasy and historical fiction, but she also occasionally ventures off into other genres, such as mystery, contemporary, and romance. Regardless of the genre, her greatest goal is to write stories that give glory to God and that shine His Light in the darkness. When not studying or writing, she can be found gardening, hiking, practicing her violin, working on one of her various creative projects (of which she has too many), curled up with a book, or spending time with her family and dogs.

6 thoughts on “A Fairytale Moodboard (A Fairytale Summer Event)

  1. That is so cool that you’re writing a Snow White and Rose Red retelling!! I’ve never read the original fairy tale, but I’ve heard a little bit of what it’s about. I definitely want to read it, though! Also, your moodboards are beautiful!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for joining our event C.K! Your moodboards are gorgeous! I’ve only read ‘Snow and Rose’ by Emily Winfield Martin, but I don’t think I’ve read the original tale, but now I believe I must!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for having me be a part of it!! It was a lot of fun! Thank you!! I’m not actually familiar with that retelling so I’ll have to check that out! I hope you enjoy the original tale!! It’s a short but cozy read for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

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