Autumn Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal

Hey everyone!

I’m once again back to show you the next four covers for the Autumn Cornerstone novellas! The authors for books 9-12 are Anna Augustine, Lucy Peterson, Olivia Godfrey, and Kendall Hoxsey. Without further ado, here are the gorgeous covers!

16 Christian fantasy fairy tale retellings filled with faith, clean romance, danger, and courage from authors Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing, Kendra E. Ardnek, Katja H. Labonté.

The gorgeous covers were designed by Mountain Peak Edits & Design! The publisher is Bellator de Lux Publishing. You can find the preorder links for these novellas here!

Next week will be the cover reveal for the last group of novellas in the series, which will be the winter themed ones! My own novella’s cover is part of the winter novellas, and so I can’t wait to share it with you guys!

Have a great week!

God bless,

C. K. Heartwing

Published by ckheartwing

A child of the mountains, C. K. Heartwing feels most at home in the forests of Appalachia. She’s a born again Christian with a love for God’s creation that has been nurtured by her years spent caring for animals and roaming her family’s woods. As a homeschool graduate, she loves to learn, and she is now a veterinary student. Aside from veterinary medicine, writing has been her greatest passion, and when not studying, she mostly writes fantasy and historical fiction, but she also occasionally ventures off into other genres, such as mystery, contemporary, and romance. Regardless of the genre, her greatest goal is to write stories that give glory to God and that shine His Light in the darkness. When not studying or writing, she can be found gardening, hiking, practicing her violin, working on one of her various creative projects (of which she has too many), curled up with a book, or spending time with her family and dogs.

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